Our favorite Images from 2008! To be honest, it's an impossible feat to select our absolute favorite images of the year, but we did our best to compile a fun little selection of photographs and custom cards. Enjoy!

One of my favorite photos of the year happened of course, by accident! Candler's saddle shoes and outfit were just a bit to big for him. At one point, he literally walked out of his shoes. (Liz)

1. This moment perfectly captures the love and excitement that filled the room when baby Harlan entered the world! (Briana)
2. Moments after his son's delivery, dad Marc bonds with his third child, Sullivan. I captured the births of his two eldest siblings as well! Their mom, Jennifer is an inspiration to me...her devotion to both her family and career is palpable. (Liz)

1. and 2. The excitement this family was feeling in expecting the newest member of their family was absolutely contagious and just sang through the lens… we had so much fun together and I was glad to be able to be there to capture this time in their lives! (Monica)

1. Oh Casey and Miles – every time I look at this photo, I feel a little bit of joy and relativity. (Monica)
2. We love this peaceful moment! Ah, sleep, eat, repeat! What a life. (Liz)

1. Was this photo captured in the 1950s? This classic beauty striking the classic pose ( on her own of course) made this a timeless favorite. Her classic name: Stella. (Liz)
2. Spencer’s eyes are clearly the window to his soul, and his soul is full of sweetness! (Monica)

1. I got a lesson in "Don't you dare put the camera down" that day. When Holden turned to leave, I almost missed this shot. I put the camera down at the "end" of the session. It's never over until its over. (Liz)
2. Brock is such a muse – he has a soulful quality to him, that when he gets in front of the camera it just shines out like a star. (Monica)

1. Sometimes you don't need to see ANYONE'S faces in order to capture a worthwhile image. This is one of my personal favorites! (Liz)
2. Hey George, isn't is sweet when your parents still dig each other, even after all they go through to take care your little toddler self? Just Kidding sweetie! Congratulations on becoming a big brother this year! I can't wait to meet her! (Liz)

1. Mom, Luan makes it look easy to look this fabulous and chase after a toddler at the same time...WOW! Inspiring! (Liz)
2. This photo was captured at Grandma's home where I saw many of mom, Melanie's baby photos on the wall. Can you say Mini Me!? (Liz)

1. Kyle and his Dad Sean were playing the waves in Santa Monica on this bizarrely warm winter day. Congrats Kyle on becoming a big brother to baby Ryan, aka, "Salty"! (Liz)
2. The adoration in little Abe’s eyes for his father… it is enough to melt hearts. (Monica)

1. The Fehrenbach boys shared a brotherly moment at William Mason park. They were tackling each other! (Liz)
2. Brother and sister are so darling – the way he looks at her, with such perplexed curiosity – seems to capture something seeming sort of universal in a glance. (Monica)

1. Hope's little meltdown: Cutting room floor? Said with an accent a la Cher Horowitz, " I don't think sooo!"
One of my favorite things about capturing children is their ability to express raw emotion so beautifully and honestly....any emotion.
By the way, just a few moments after this one I captured Hope smiling, dancing and cuddling with her little brother Graham during an amazing sunset in Palos Verdes. (Liz)
2. This little man was amazing the WHOLE time – he was just having a moment – and even the MOMENT was adorable! (Monica)

1. Ella turns one! Her cupcake birthday was sweet, girly, and pink to absolute perfection! (Liz)
2. Nearby, her French Bulldog, Bodhi, waited for crumbs to drop. (Liz)
Allison's favorite

Briana's favorite

Monica's favorite

Liz's favorites... she couldn't choose just one

Allison's favorite

Briana and Liz's favorite

Monica's favorite