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Life iz Website

Hello and welcome to the Life Iz blog. Since I just recently discovered what a blog actually is and how it all works, we are going to learn together! It will be something like this: a fun place to see some of our favorite images from our most recent sessions and get ideas for your own; a place to share our favorite finds for mommies, daddies and children; a place where you can get to know me and the Life Iz staff; and a place to share what I've learned during my first years as a parent because maybe it will be helpful for all of you, or maybe it will just make you laugh and remember... and be easier on yourself. Love, Liz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose!

At her photo session last week, Ireyln had fun chasing the ducks and geese! She did not seem to mind that the Goose she was chasing was just as big as she is! She's a brave one, huh? maybe it's because she has two older brothers showing her the ropes.


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...


Michael Kormos said...

She is very brave! Great pictures!

Ellie said...

She looks like she's having so much fun!